Our mission is to supply high quality digital boat navigation sensors and other navigation aids.

We currently have a wind sensor, a GPS and navigation sensor dome and finally a combination AIS receiver antenna system.

We sell the sensor on a 38cm mast, ready to mount and with customizable WIFI electronics. Sensor data delivery is by SignalK or NMEA, all via WIFI.

GPS WIFI Dome w/Heading Compass. NMEA0183 and SignalK UDP. Also with Roll, Pitch, Barometer and Temperature sensors.

All Our new WIFI products come with over the air update, courtesy of the awesome ElegantOTA system.  

Now you can easily download new firmware and install from your phone/tablet etc. If you have a moment buy these people a coffee!

New! Large animated gauges direct from device updated 5 times per second.

AIS Receiver Built Inside a VHF Antenna

AIS Receiver in Antenna

Submersible AIS receiver with low wind load. Includes Kplex and SignalK servers. Optionally you can install OpenCPN or other Linux maritime software.

Lab Test Results Marine Traffic
Link to Marine Traffic Rosario Dev Station